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The creation 

There was never a moment when none other than God existed, without him, there was no reality. At one point the owner of infinite wisdom decided he would create. One by one God began to bring these possibilities from the world of reality. The owner of infinite wisdom has decided that there will be something in the universe that is better than the existence of the universe. Creating good or bad, God created the Arash water and pen, and ordered the pen write;; The pen says, what should I write? God said, write down everything that will happen until the end of time, ie the hour. We know, the meaning of Arash, water, and the pen. But it is not possible for us to know,  how was that water from the beginning of time, and writing the destiny of everything is that pen;; And never possible for us to know. Only God has full knowledge.https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/1190/viewall/story-of-adam/

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