The mystery of creation
The creation 2
Fifty thousand years before the universe was created by
the will of God. The pen wrote down the destiny of everything in laoh Mahfouz.
After fifty thousand years god created the sky and the earth. (( have those who disbelieved
not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We
separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not
believe?..ref..all Quran surah..all-anbiyaa 30)) Then at one
point, God created the angels from light. This wonderful creation of god
naturally worship one god and disobey
any commandment of God. And the first and foremost of them is the
Gabriel-alaihis salam. Some time passed after God created the angels from the
light. Thereafter God created a new nation and created them from a
smokeless fire called jinn. The main difference between the angels and the jinn
is that the jinn does not worship God in nature. Rather they can disobey his
command if they wish. God sent the jinn to the world as a caliph. But this
creation made of fire was tense they frequently engaged in mining for a long
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